Effective Church Communications, the ministry foundation of this site
Effective Church Communications is a ministry that provides training, resources, and inspiration to help church communicators fully fulfill the Great Commission. I (Yvon Prehn) am the founder and primary content creator for the ministry. The hub of the ministry is the website: www.effectivechurchcom.com.
My approach to church communications includes more than design and communication construction how‐tos, though I have lots of them.
The North Star of my ministry is for everything I do and want to teach church communicators to do is to help people come to know Jesus as Savior and to grow to mature disciples; in other words, to fully fulfill the Great Commission. I continuously remind church communicators that we have been entrusted with the words of eternal life and the eternal destinies of people depend on how well we communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ. As a direct result of that for communication projects, you not only get easy‐to‐use free, templates and design tips, but a reminder of where this communication fits into bringing people to Jesus and helping them mature in their faith.
Though I work hard to stay current with technology, I value and attempt to teach timeless communication skills and strategies, I am amazed how much of the basic communication training I developed even prior to computers holds true in the digital age. Most of my training has applications in every communication channel, from print to podcasts.
I believe churches of every size, from tiny house churches to megachurches, benefit from clear, effective communication. I encourage churches to study their people, set goals, evaluate responses to communication projects, and to communicate based on who they are and where they are, rather than copy the latest megachurch or marketing trend.
If I have a preference and am picturing my primary audience, it is the small, including tiny storefront churches, to medium‐size churches where primarily one person does all the church communications work in addition to juggling additional ministry responsibilities. Because of that, I do not recommend expensive equipment or complex graphic design programs.
I do not allow, encourage, link to, or promote in any way, irreverent, profane language, or snarky, cynical approaches to church communication or in the discussion of it. We serve a holy God, and we seek in all we do to walk worthy and communicate a worthy message that reflects our Lord. Church communications is a ministry to the church and community, one that represents the Lord and the entire church—there is no place for egos or entitlement in this ministry where we serve the servants of the Lord.
I strongly believe church communicators, of any age, from any size church, who use any software, with any skill level, can create incredible communications that God can use to grow His Church in numbers and His people as disciples.
I encourage church communicators to pour their hearts, minds, and souls into the hard work of communicating the words of eternal life. At the same time, I am aware that our words will only accomplish eternal results because of the blessing of them and working through them of our good, loving, and powerful God. Please check out www.effectivechurchcom.com for more and join me in the great adventure of sharing the words of eternal life.